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Hockey SA Staffing Update – Friday 29 January 2021

Published Fri 29 Jan 2021

On behalf of Hockey SA we wanted to take the time to update everyone with regards to our staffing. 

By now many of you would have met Jarrad Hoskin who joined Hockey SA in December 2020 as our Membership & Administration Coordinator.  Jarrad is working directly with our Affiliates on 2021 registration, Adelaide Fire membership and supporting a range of administration requirements at head office. 

Todd Kitto tendered his resignation in late 2020 and has finished up at Hockey SA in January to return to teaching in Adelaide.  Matt Morton also tendered his resignation and will finish up with Hockey SA in February as he pursues a new opportunity.  We would like to thank Todd & Matt for their dedication to Hockey SA, the establishment of the Fire Academy across both Regional and Metro South Australia and look forward to seeing them out on the pitch either playing or coaching at the community level. 

Hugh Purvis has returned to Hockey SA on a short-term contract, a familiar face for many in the Hockey Community. Hugh will drive the Fire Academy activities and work closely with our Under 15 & 18 State Teams in their preparations for National Championships in late March and April 2021. 

We also welcome Shauna Baldwin to the team in early February as Representative Team & Events Manager, a passionate hockey person who will be a huge asset to Hockey SA through her experience in managing her own business. 

In terms of the Competition & Facilities Manager we are currently screening applicants and will be making an appointment in the coming weeks. 

Finally, Michael Fox, Patrick Rebakis, Elaine Zhao and Andrew Skillern will continue to provide ongoing support and services in their respective portfolios.
